Church Planting

Letpatansuh village

The MURCMission started a new Church planting with house Church in Letpatansuh Village, Hmawbi   township  Yangon Division in 1999 according to the Scripture Text Roman 15:20 “and so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation. “Sometimes he had been called to stop the itinerant evangelism by Village Authority before. And also our infant believers are intimidated to come to the Church meeting by village authority. But by the grace of God, the Village authority and non-Christian people understand to Christian that they said, “the Christian are doing good mission works in our village and they are good men.” Currently we are running the church with 40 participants on every Sunday and then we are evangelizing to the non-Christian children by teaching the Bible verses and gospel songs. Our missionary is teaching to the children not only their school lesson but also Bible verses and gospel songs. We have to provide thirty one children in there. And also we are urgently lacking to support the church planter with 88$ per months.
We are urgently lacking your prayer and help to provide the necessary school fees, text &writing books, clothes, foods, Orphan &poor children. You can see as Mercy Children Home about orphan &poor children in the Children Ministry.

North Dagon 

We are evangelizing and planting new Churches as Saint Paul said that “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation.”
Therefore we are starting a new church as house church in Mitta Ward, Northern Dagon Township, and Yangon. We are rental a small house for the new Church in there.  We have worshipped actively in there on every Sunday. Our infant believers are participating with revivalism in the new Church. Please remember to be paid the rental charges for next six months to run our new church planting.  We are urgently lacking 65 Dollars per month for the rental charges of new house church planting.
Please pray for this house church to rent again for six month. We already found the freehold land. If God’s will, we want to purchase the freehold land (20’x60’) and (20’x100’) for mission compound in North Dagon Division. It will be currently price US$ 43,000. Please remember to be purchased this freehold land so that we may be able to do Children Ministry and evangelism in there. We evangelized with our co-workers on  11/05/2011 house by house.
You can participate to glorify His name and expand His kingdom by praying, giving.
Yours in His vineyard
Rev.Cin Sian Pau

Ownchan, Yetashe, Hmawbi

The MURCMission started a new Church planting with house Church in Ownchan,Yetashe Village, Hmawbi   township  Yangon Division in 2011 according to the Scripture Text Roman 15:20 “and so I have made it my   aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should      build on another man’s foundation. “Sometimes he had been called to stop the itinerant evangelism by Village Authority before. And also our infant believers are intimidated to come to the Church meeting by village authority. But by the grace of God, the Village authority and non-Christian people understand to Christian that they said, “the Christian are doing good mission works in our village and they are good men.” Currently we are running the church with 20 participants on every Sunday and then we are evangelizing to the non-Christian children by teaching the Bible verses and gospel songs. Our missionary is teaching to the children not only their school lesson but also Bible verses and gospel songs.
We are urgently lacking your prayer and help to purchase the land for church building & freehold land and to provide a missinary’s salary 50$ per month in Ownchan,Yetashe village,Hmawbi,Yangon.

Tatgyi Gone , Hmawbi 

The another new Church planting began with home cell in Tatgyigone Village, Hmawbi Township , Yangon Division in 2005 Year. This new Church was growing week by week through the guidance of the Holy Spirit . We continued the said new church to house church from home cell. There eighty persons are participating at the Church in Tatgyigone Village.  We found more wonderful soul winning in His Church. We have to subsidize the thirty one orphan & poor children in there. We are evangelizing to the non-Christian children by teaching their school lesson with free circle study and teaching Bible verses and gospel songs. Our two children volunteers who are participating actively at the Mingalarba Children Care Ministry. Now believers are progressing week by week because God is doing great thing in the said new church planting in Tatgyi Gone ,hamwbi,Yangon. If you want to contribute your donation for the children, and for two volunteers, we are waiting you in prayer,. We need to pay the salary US$ 40 for each per month. Mrs. Lun Sin Cing is actively participating at the Children Minisry by practical teaching the Bible verses and Christian songs to the non-Christian children.We are lacking urgently to build church building which will be 7500 $ in Tatgyi Gone, Hmawbi,Yangon.
Yours in His vineyard
Rev.Cin sian Pau


At North Dagon
At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon

At North Dagon




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